Court of Appeals Affirms Record Breaking Verdict in Wrongful Death Case

John Carpenter Secures $45 Million for Surviving Children
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Truth-Love-Justice was formed out of an examination of my 30-year career advocating for people who were begging for justice and being silenced.
While I have secured more than $300 million for clients adhering to my Truth+Love=Justice method, success in court isn’t enough. If we don’t all feel we live in a just society, then none of us will.
We must always start with seeking the TRUTH of our common experience, then by applying LOVE both sides can see each other and find JUSTICE.
Seek Truth ~ Apply Love ~ Find Justice
John C. Carpenter , Esq.

The path to Justice begins with the Truth. When the Government enacts and enforces an illegal curfew that suppresses truthful speech it only benefits those who wish to push a false agenda and undermines the foundation of our nation.